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A bright light emerges from the gloom

22 Oct 2021  Chris Lorimer  General

A bright light emerges from the gloom image

In the Autumn of 2020, Mary and Chris Lorimer were experiencing first hand, the difficult circumstances many carers find themselves in.  "We were looking after my mother Ann in our home in East Devon", said Mary, "but really struggling with the day to day demands.  Mum was getting sicker and we were really struggling to look after her - we needed care support but it was really hard to find compassionate and competent carers." 

The situation was compounded by the reluctance and ability of many care companies to provide support to a family in a rural area - "Companies either said they were unable to provide the support or the carers would be available for a very short time, maybe an hour or two at the most, and it was clear that some were not at all experienced", said Mary. 

Thankfully, as Ann's health deteriorated, Mary and Chris were introduced to Helen - a highly competent and experienced carer who immediately took over the care duties, introducing a reassuring air of calm to the home.  "She was amazing", said Chris, "on one hand, caring for Ann providing incredible care and, on the other, she looked after us, creating a sense of normality in very difficult times".

After Ann's death in October 2020, Mary and Chris talked to Helen about setting up a new care company that would address some of their worst experiences.  "We really wanted to help others who were based in rural areas but needed a service that could provide exceptional care for their loved ones and their families, like Helen had for Ann and ourselves", said Mary. "It is wonderful to know that something good has come from our experience - a bright light that has emerged from this horrible time."  

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