Compassionate Live-in And Visiting Home Care Services

Professional, personal, and committed care for the elderly and older adults at risk in Devon

Helping you or your relatives live a fulfilling, independent life safely at home with flexible, cost-effective, and exceptional personal care.

Preparing for the Winter

13 Sep 2022  Chris Lorimer  Care support / General

Preparing for the Winter image

It’s that time of year again. Orange and brown leaves are falling to the ground and the garden birds are preparing for the winter freeze. You may even begin to see frost and snow as early as October.   

Some people love the beauty of winter but to others it represents a time of potential danger.  Regardless of whether you love winter or not, it may be worth asking yourself: “am I or my loved ones prepared for it?” 

There are lots of ways you can check if you’re all ready for the coldest season of the year and this blog will help you prepare for it. 

  • Sensible heating plan.  Make sure you have thought through how you are going to keep the main rooms you live in at a reasonable temperature.  If you are worried about the costs of energy, get advice.  If you have neighbours or friends, consider how you can share warm spaces and, at the same time, save money.  

  • Stay up-to-date with your medication.  Make sure that you leave yourself with enough time to order new medication so you do not run out. Aim to always have sufficient medication in your home so that in the case of bad weather or transport delays, you will always have some spare. If you need some help with this let your GP and pharmacy know that you would like some assistance. 

  • Stay informed about the weather.  Try and keep up to date with the local weather reports. You can do this on a smart phone, tablet or computer. But you can also watch the news for accurate weather reports. 

  • Know your limits.  Only go out when you know you can get around with confidence and be wary of icy and/ or wet surfaces. 

  • Wrap up well.  Wear lots of layers and don't be afraid to don your outside winterwear indoors.  Your extremities need protecting - so wooly hats, scarfs, socks and gloves are a must - even indoors.  It's not the time to be fashion conscious!

  • Get your seasonal flu jab.  It is vitally important that you keep up to date with all your jabs but especially the seasonal flu jab. 

  • Ask for help.  If you think it would be best to have some assistance with transport, light shopping and getting around, why not ask a family member for help or contact Care With Kindness.

If you need support from Care With Kindness’ visiting care service, please get in contact and one of our friendly carers can offer you help and support throughout the winter season. You can contact us by sending an email to or if you would like to speak to someone directly, you can ring us on 01884 220150.

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